Theresa Rizzo

Things to Give Us Hope

A friend sent this to me the other day as a link labeled “Something to bring us hope” and it did. This is a wonderful article on the need for paper books and it’s well worth your read. Many thanks, Carolin!

Another item to give you hope and encouragement: you all have heard me speak many times on the Crested Butte Writers Conference and my experience there last year. I learned so much – about writing, but also about myself. Well, I just discovered that Theresa Rizzo, the amazing founder and organizer for the Sandy Writers Competition and the Crested Butte Conference is also not published. Her post this week and this video shows her spirit, beauty and wisdom in the face of all she’s experienced and gave me so much hope and strength, I had to share it. Here’s the video, but I’d have to say her blog on the topic is even more worth the read:
And on in a nonsequitur, I’ve been meaning to share @podtribebooks twitter account with you all. In their own words: PodTribe is a publisher and online retailer of eBooks featuring an exclusive network of authors primarily based in Asia.

How have you been uplifted this week?