A Day Off – Kinda

Tomorrow is garage sale day at my sister’s, but first, my daughter and I will head out to a local library celebrating Asian Culture. Use that link to go to the library branch for event details, or you can check out this article covering the festival.

Next week, I hope to see a friend of mine, Christine Taylor Butler, at a “Meet The Author” event. Christine is the author of many children’s books, but most recently, “Sacred Mountain: Everest.”




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3 Responses to “A Day Off – Kinda”

  1. Janet Johnson says:

    What a fun outing with your daughter! Enjoy!

  2. catwoods says:


    Sounds like fun. I hope it was as enjoyable as you hoped it would be.

    Also, thanks for supporting your fellow writers–something you do very well. I know they appreciate it and one day, will return the favor in kind.


  3. Victoria Dixon says:

    It was fun and I've got some great pictures I've been trying to post since this morning. Blogspot has been temperamental.

    And thanks for the kind words, Cat. My friends do a great job of supporting me, each in their way. Laura fed my daughter and I sticky rice. LOL

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