Contest Listings

Janet mentioned last week that she didn’t know where I found some of these contest listings.

Check out V.R. Barkowski and Carolina Valdez Miller’s blog for an answer to that question. You’ll end up reading all night.




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4 Responses to “Contest Listings”

  1. Janet Johnson says:

    Oooh! I got a mention in your blog. Cool! 🙂 But now I'm afraid to go to the link for fear of being sucked in. 🙂 Seriously though, thanks!

  2. Victoria Dixon says:

    Yes and you just reminded me I forgot to add a link to your blog with your name. It's in now. Sorry about that! I was a little rushed. ;D

  3. Mary and Sean says:

    Hi Victoria,
    Very interesting things on your blog! I'm looking forward to reading more… I'm an aspiring writer myself, so I can relate to all your stories about queries and rejection letters!

  4. Victoria Dixon says:

    Thanks for dropping in!

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