Cultural Exchange Fund Grant and Other Markets

In an effort to make my life more organized (or organized at all), I am going to attempt to post on a schedule. For now, I’ll try to post blogs, news, etc every Monday and post book reviews on Wednesdays. Here’s hoping!

For today’s news, I received the following information from Hope Clark’s Funds For Writers. If you haven’t signed up to receive free copies of Hope’s newsletters, you’re missing out on an important guide to current markets, supporters, and more. A tip on this particular gem: the deadline may be soon. Don’t delay if you’re interested.

Arts Presenters will fund individual travel subsidies and
group travel subsidies. The maximum amount awarded per
individual organization, inclusive of travel costs and per
diem, is $2,000. Group travel subsidies will be awarded only
to groups of three or more presenters from different member
presenting organizations. The maximum award for a group is
$10,000, with no more than $2,000 awarded per organization.
In promoting cross-cultural arts programming, Arts Presenters
strongly encourages travel to the following locations,
including but not limited to: the Middle East, Asia, Latin
America and Africa.Arts Presenters will award travel subsidies
to individual presenters, presenting organizations and to
groups of presenters traveling to see the work of artists,
companies and/or to develop and advance projects with
international artists and their collaborators. All applicants
must be active members of the Association of Performing Arts

And yet another contest:

Sponsored by Smoke City Narrators 

ENTRY FEE – $8.50 
DEADLINE – Postmarked or Emailed by November 15, 2010. 

First prize – $150. Second prize – $75. Third prize – $40. 6 HM. Feedback posted on website.

Agent Jeff Kleinman, Folio Literary Management, NY, NY. Email/Snail Mail: 1. First 5 pages of a novel, 1,500 words max. 
2. O
ne-sentence synopsis of the novel, 25 words or less. 
Novel does not have to be complete.) 

Entry pages not published. Authors keep all rights. 
Open Internationally. Checks (US bank), Money Orders or PayPal. 
Please see website for complete rules.

Good luck, all ye competitors!




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11 Responses to “Cultural Exchange Fund Grant and Other Markets”

  1. Karen Lange says:

    I love Hope Clark's FFW! So helpful and informative. Thanks for the links.
    Happy Monday,

  2. Rachna Chhabria says:

    Thanks for the helpful and informative links, Victoria.

    Btw, there is an award for you on my blog.

  3. Victoria Dixon says:

    Glad you liked and hope they're helpful!

  4. Melissa Crytzer Fry says:

    Thanks for the comment on my post at Necessary Writers. I responded back on her site :-). Nice to 'meet' you.

  5. Victoria Dixon says:

    Hi, Melissa! Thanks for popping over.

  6. Kappa no He says:

    Contests look great. And I'm with you about trying to become more organized. It is my *next* year's resolution. Although I should probably start trying now.

  7. Lynda Young says:

    The contest looks great. I like that it's open internationally.

  8. Victoria Dixon says:

    Hi, Lynda. Thanks for the follow! The contest makes me wish I hadn't already submitted to them, although I suppose there's no reason why I couldn't try again. ;D

    Hi, Thersa, thanks for dropping in! I've been inching toward greater organization for over a year now. Honestly, probably since we became parents. It's amazing how adding another person to your existence changes everything.

  9. Julie Musil says:

    I do receive Hope's newsletters. She finds the best writing markets! I also receive "Writing for Dollars," which has even more markets. So many opportunities for writers!

    Good luck with your submissions

  10. Victoria Dixon says:

    Thanks for the tip, Julie! I'll be sure to check that out.

  11. Elizabeth Mueller says:

    Wow! This sounds too good to be true! I love it! Thank you so much for your uplifting encouragement on my blog. It's so nice to see that there are good, kind, loving people who aren't afraid to extend their friendships to people like me. *HUGS*

    I'm now following your blog!

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