First Chinese Feedback!

YEAH! I’ve had some great feedback from a friend of mine who is Chinese. He gave me some wonderful suggestions as far as making the book feel more authentic for Chinese readers, but also told me he’s really enjoyed the read so far.

He’s amazed a nice girl like me can write such bloody battle scenes. LOL! But he really feels like he’s in the middle of the action, which makes me feel awesome.

It’s been a great day and my anniversary, to boot. πŸ™‚




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3 Responses to β€œFirst Chinese Feedback!”

  1. Janet Johnson says:

    Happy anniversary! And that's great about the feedback. You do have some realistac battles going on . . . πŸ™‚

  2. Jeannie Lin says:

    Awesome feedback and happy anniversary!

  3. Victoria Dixon says:

    Thanks to you both! πŸ™‚

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