Praising God

And now for something completely different, I needed to praise God this morning. Perhaps not for anything specific, at least not writing-related. But I don’t do it enough and this week has been hard, so I will thank God for helping me get through it without complaining or crying THAT much.

I still have my family, we have our jobs, our health and our home.

If I have to be a one-hit wonder, I will still write. Please, Lord. Help me to do your will and enjoy doing it. Amen.






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9 Responses to “Praising God”

  1. Janet Johnson says:

    Amen! Good luck with everything. I'm sorry this has been a hard week for you. I'll send my prayers your way. 🙂

  2. Victoria Dixon says:

    Thanks! You won't believe me (okay, you might) but I've jettisoned the first 40-50 some-odd pages. You know, like they TELL you to do? The book starts on the eve of battle with the Yellow Turbans now. I've got a ton of backstory and foreshadowing to work in, but I suspect it's doable. I had always felt so strongly that I needed to start in the Peach Orchard where the original novel starts, but I couldn't keep the tension going. I've lost about six chapters and 10,000 words, but tension should not be a problem!
    By the way, that was the good, productive news from this week. It went downhill from there. Sigh.

  3. Sandy Shin says:

    Lovely post.

    I'm sorry you've had a hard week, and your second paragraph says it all. Sometimes, we need to be grateful to God for the things we *do* have, which is so much more than others do.

  4. catwoods says:


    My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through the rest of this week and into the weekend.

    I hope everything works out in the end. Sometimes we just have to trust that it does, even if we don't understand why.


  5. Krista Darrach says:

    Ahhh … keep plugging along. Glad you're moving forward and counting your blessings. Always good.
    Enjoy the journey!

  6. Victoria Dixon says:

    Thanks, everyone! Patience and faith are good and so are friends!

  7. Suzan Harden says:

    Hang in there, Victoria! You know what they say about turning lemons into lemonade.

  8. Christina Farley says:

    Girl! I hope things get better for you but I love your attitide. I'm always amazed how God shows up in the littlest ways to remind me he cares. Hugs.

  9. Victoria Dixon says:

    Thanks, Christina! I get the feeling He's still trying to get my attention. My thumb drive died Friday morning without my having done a backup in weeks.

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