Multicultural books

Children’s Literature Links and Reviews

I’ve done some surfing recently and found several links that might be of use to those of you who write or are interested in reading juvenile works with Asian and/or multi-cultural leanings.

Stacy Whitman has an incredible list of multi-cultural reads (mostly juvenile literature, although not entirely) and I’m going to have to read a whole lot more just to play catch up! Check it out.

Tu Publishing is pleased to announce that we will be officially open for submissions from writers on Jan. 1, 2010. We are a small press focusing on multicultural fantasy and science fiction for children and young adults. We are specifically looking for novels for readers ages 8 to 18. (Though we intend to expand to chapter books in the future, we are not looking for them at this time.) We are a royalty-paying (on retail) publishing company.

Chasing Ray seems to be a site dedicated to reviews of children’s literature and the above link page is all about books with Asian settings. He’s also done a review of “Shine, Coconut Moon.”

Cynthiea Leitich’s site brims with links to children’s resources both educational and fictional. It’s an amazing site if you’re a writer/reader of juvenile material with Asian leanings.

I plan on posting all of these links on my sidebar for future readers, but they’re so good I also wanted to draw attention to them. Enjoy!