The Sandy Finalists

I’m still floored about this. I got a call from the administrator of The Sandy Writing Contest last night. I’m a finalist! Woot! I have a week to get my ms polished up as best I can.

Alas, as many of you know, my thumb drive with all my updated files died a week ago today. And I now have comfirmation – my drive will not return as a zombie. Which means this will likely be my last post this week. I have seven days to re-do three weeks of work. I’m REALLY sorry to do it to you. I will try to slip in stuff if I can.

My name is Victoria and I am addicted to blogging. LOL Have a great week guys, and thanks to everyone for helping me come this far!






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15 Responses to โ€œThe Sandy Finalistsโ€


    Congrats Victoria! I read your manuscript for the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood (2009 GH finalists) and saw you were a Sandy finalist (I was too…last year…I think). Good luck with the final judge.

  2. Victoria Dixon says:

    Thanks for the well-wishes, Kelly!And thanks for dropping in. I do comment on the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood every now and then, but I've never entered. There must be another aspiring author named Victoria Dixon out there. That's scary. ;D

  3. Victoria Dixon says:

    Ooops. I just realized what you're talking about. DUH. You critiqued my first 50 pages for me! Yes, that was me. Geez. Maybe I shouldn't edit stuff at 5AM. Smacks her head.

  4. Janet Johnson says:

    Congratulations! Good luck!

  5. Sandy Shin says:

    Yay, congratulations, Victoria! *crosses fingers for you*

  6. Victoria Dixon says:

    Thanks! I'm going to need it. ๐Ÿ™‚ I don't know if you looked at the site, but I'm tied with another contestant.

    And now, back to our previously scheduled editing. ;D

  7. Christian Marcus says:

    Dear Victoria,

    As Judge FF for the "Sandy," I wish you all the best in your writing endeavors. I hold Asian literature very close to my heart, as its so honest and beautiful. I rec'd your thank you letter, and am so pleased that you're a finalist. Your work deserves that, and so much more. Thank you for clarifying the "cash" question…I even called several resources overseas to see if I could get clarification before marking it, and I'm glad my suggestions were taken in the spirit in which they were sent. It was an honor to read your ms.

    Christian M. Lyons

  8. Victoria Dixon says:

    Thanks for responding, Christian! As you can see, I also love Asian settings/literature. I'm obsessed. LOL

    I've also go a Yahoo group for Authors of Asian Novels. ;D

    Now that I know what to look for, I'll check out your work. Thanks again for stopping by!

  9. Jeannie Lin says:

    Congratulations and good luck! The break from blogging will give you time to write. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Victoria Dixon says:

    Here's hoping, Jeannie! I had a short story re-write obliterated, but that one doesn't hurt as much because I had all of my recent edits on paper. It's a pain to re-type, but that's all. The one that HURT was a review I will have to write from close to scratch. I've already backed up everything I've done today. ;D

  11. Suzan Harden says:

    Congratulations, Victoria! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you,

  12. A misinterpreted wave says:

    A big congrats from me – hope that you become more than a finalist ๐Ÿ˜€

  13. Victoria Dixon says:

    Thanks for dropping in, Suzan and M.W.! I think I'm more nervous about reworking my synopsis right now than the story. LOL

  14. beth says:


  15. Victoria Dixon says:

    Thanks, Beth! ๐Ÿ™‚

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