Two of a pair

Elana Johnson is cosponsoring a contest with Shelli at Market My Words. Check her out as soon as you can. She’s also given a link to another contest. Many thanks to these ladies and their generosity!




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3 Responses to “Two of a pair”

  1. catwoods says:

    You are a font of knowledge. Thanks for the great links I now need to check out!

  2. Yat-Yee says:

    I am glad to know of someone else interested in Asian settings for their stories. My MG novel takes place in Malaysia.

  3. Victoria Dixon says:

    You're welcome, Cat! I do this instead of writing because, ya know, you can't do it ALL! (Argh.)

    Thanks for dropping by, Yat-Yee. Very cool setting. I have a friend from Malaysia, though she lives in Washington D.C. now. My friend keeps telling us we need to go visit because of a King Cobra temple there. My husband's REALLY into snakes. If we go, I will be interested in other things, I think. LOL Maybe still the temple, but the history behind it, rather than what's in it. 🙂 Are you Malaysian? Where in Malaysia is your setting?

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