Crested Butte Coverage Continues and Other Goodies

Just when you thought I was done, head to Janet Lane’s site. She has blogged on part of James Scott Bell’s talk that I didn’t touch on here.

And speaking of conferences, contests and other alliterations, check out these opportunities:

The WriteOn Free Online Conference will take place August 10-12, 2010. It will be attended by HOSTS of agents and authors. For the complete schedule, go to the WriteOn website.

The 2011 Missouri Writer’s Guild Conference will be in St. Louis this year. Marcie Posner from Folio Literary Management and Kristin Nelson from the Nelson Literary Agency are just two of the many agents in attendance. I’m delighted to say one of the Masters Class presenters will be Jeannie Lin from All That You Desire. The conference will be on April 8-10, 2011, so save your pennies.


I just heard about this tonight, or I would have posted all of this together:

The 2010 Montezuma All-Iowa Writers’ Conference will be held in Montezuma, Iowa at the Montezuma Community School on Saturday, September 18 from 9 – 5, with registration starting at 8:30. It’s an all-day event where you can learn writing tips, get advice on how to choose a publisher and learn new ways to market your work. Iowa authors scheduled to attend and inspire include: Donald Harstad, Shirley
Damsgaard, Kathy Bacus, Leigh Michaels, Tamara Siler Jones and Kali Van Baale. Admission is only $25! If you have ever dreamed of writing a book, this is a must-attend event. Email debwrite [@] for more details or look them up on Facebook at Our Front Porch Books Publishing Company.

Details and a registration form will soon be available at Many thanks to Tammy Jones for posting this information!




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6 Responses to “Crested Butte Coverage Continues and Other Goodies”

  1. Lisa_Gibson says:

    I'm definitely doing WriteOnCon but sadly, due to my fiscal challenges, cannot make the others. 🙁 (I know I'm not rowing that boat alone.)
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  2. Victoria Dixon says:

    No, I'm afraid you're not. 🙁 Enjoy WriteOn!

  3. TK Richardson says:

    Victoria, thank you for supporting A Heart For Books And Kids!

  4. Victoria Dixon says:

    You bet and thanks for coming by. You just reminded me I need to call Borders and order my copy of Return the Heart. ;D

    FYI, to Lisa and TK, I just posted an Addendum to this blog because I discovered a truly affordable Writers Conference in Iowa. If you're located in the Midwest, come get the details. 🙂

  5. Natalie Aguirre says:

    I'm going to WriteOnCon too. It sounds awesome.

    I wish I could go to the other one just to meet Kristen Nelson. I love her blog.

  6. Victoria Dixon says:

    And Kristin's one class act, too, Natalie. So many people don't take the time to respond if they're not interested these days. Not only did she send me a polite note, she did it when her Dad was dying. If I never do business with Kristin Nelson, I will still sing in praise of her work ethic. You're a lucky person to have that woman as your agent.

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