If you’d like to flog my first sixteen lines, check ’em out at Ray Rhamey’s Flogging the Quill Blogspot. The link is in the title. He made some excellent suggestions. Back to the Umpteenth Final Draft after work!
Three weeks. He does let you upload revisions while you wait, which is nice. I'm glad I did it, although the resulting vote tabulation hasn't made me happy. I think a lot of those responses are likely from people who are intimidated by the setting.
Public flogging? How ominous!
I went over to comment. Though daunting, it seems like the site is a great way to get good, objective feedback. Good luck with it!
Wow, you are brave. I'm tempted to try it, but I'm working on the bravery thing. 🙂
I'm not sure bravery has anything to do with it. I think I'm closer to desperate!
So how long did you have to wait to have yours critiqued?
Three weeks. He does let you upload revisions while you wait, which is nice. I'm glad I did it, although the resulting vote tabulation hasn't made me happy. I think a lot of those responses are likely from people who are intimidated by the setting.
Hmmm, I'll go check it out.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂