I’ve had some things pile up in my inbox that I wanted to post, so here goes:
My apologies to Paula Kaymac. I told her I’d mention this and then I hit a deluge of things I needed to respond to. Paula has offered to interview the unpublished through her Writer’s Spotlight page. What’s a spotlight page?I’ll let her describe it:
If you would like to step into the Writer Spotlight, are an unpublished writer looking for representation, and have a completed and polished manuscript you’ld like to share on Writer Spotlight , please check out the details on the Writer Spotlight page above and email me (like now).
If you write juvenile lit, you really do need to check it out. Here are the rules.
A Canadien SF/Fantasy contest is happening for one more day – the deadline’s tomorrow. (Yes, I know. I didn’t know about it, either.) But check out In Places Between. If nothing else, they have an awesome short story linked to the contest that you should read. The contest is free.
I know these last two bits are local Kansas City area things and my apologies to the rest of my readers if you can’t make it!
Please plan to attend the Whispering Prairie Press Writers Conference on Sat., July 23, 2011, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (lunch on your own) at the KU Edwards Campus, 12600 Quivira Road. Tom Averill will be the keynote speaker. This conference supports the 2011 issue of Kansas City Voices.
There’s a Digital Publishing Workshop at the Writer’s Place (in Kansas City) in mid-May and is $30 for 3 hours. If anyone’s considering this route, you might want to check it out. Check it out here, but please be aware I have not read his book and have never met the author, so I’m neither recommending or condemning his book. However, it’s obvious he’s been through the route he’s talking about and therefore has something to say.
Thanks for posting about these! Are you going to be in a Writer Spotlight? Sounds like a great idea.
And man, don't I wish I were in KC to enjoy all the opportunities going on there. 🙂
Hey Victoria,
Thanks so much for helping me get the word out on the Writer Spotlight series. The response has been huge and each Tuesday (when a writer interview is posted) there are more and more visits (228 yesterday!)
So if you are that un-pub'd,un-agented writer looking to spotlight your completed manuscript for children, please do come on over!! If not, come over anyway and check it out.
Thanks again Victoria!!!
Thanks for the info, Victoria!
I didn't realize you were in Kansas. I went to high school and university in Nebraska. We were practically neighbors!
Janet, I so wish I could! Paula (wisely so) has drawn the line at YA and younger, so I'm not right for her venue. However, you are! ;D
YEAH! Midwestees! LOL Find out something new every day. 🙂
You're very welcome, Jai. So is anyone going to enter the contest? I've got a short story I think I might mail off today – I think the deadline is for postmarking today, but I'll want to make sure. ;D
Thanks for sharing the links and shouting out about Paula's new feature. I did too when she first started it a few weeks ago. I think Paula's idea is fabulous and I've enjoyed reading the interviews.
Yeah, I know, Natalie. You were where I saw it first. 🙂 That's what I mean by, God I'm slow! LOL