Well, if anyone wanted a plethora of links and suggestions on how to make a book trailer, head over to http://www.nathanbransford.com. Yesterday’s guest blogger did a fabulous job of giving all sorts of information. I’ve got images now for my computer graphics genius of a husband to base images of my hero on. I need more, but that’s ok. If anyone knows of a website featuring kick butt martial artists in traditional Chinese garb, that would be a bonus. LOL
In more personal data, I do apologize for being out of the internet picture recently. I’m trying to prepare my ms for entry into the Amazon Breakthrough Novel competition at the end of this month. I don’t have too many more reader-suggested corrections to wade through, but I’m also reading the whole thing aloud and that takes time….
Thanks for posting the link– it's very informative. Also, check out my blog for more tips on making a book trailer. It's fun and not too difficult. 🙂
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Ah, book trailers. My time suck of choice. usually the people are the few images I'll buy. istockphoto is where I get those images. Usually the cost a little over a dollar for an image.
Thanks, Jeannie! I'll check them out. I'm still trying to nail down exactly how to use the medium to help me tell the story – it's not the same as telling a words-only story. Once I know what I'll need for faces, I'll be at my "casting" stage. LOL
Good luck on the contest!
Thanks, Cat! I appreciate it. 🙂
oh goodness! i'm sorry … my mind totally slipped as i typed that earlier. my professor wrote the intro, not edited it xD
need a good cup of coffee to keep me sane!
thanks for catching that error 🙂
and his name is robert hegel
LOL That's alright! I recognize his name, too. Probably from off the book. 🙂 Thanks for dropping by.