I just wish she’d said “Yes!” I received a form letter rejection from Kristin Nelson last month and it really made me happy.
No, I’m not a lover of pain (I used the wrong word before! Oops!). I’m a writer who is AMAZED and grateful when I receive a rejection letter. Usually I receive silence. I just got an automated email from Kristin’s blog (sign up for it as it’s worth the read) in which she apologized for not getting her newsletter out last month. You see, her father passed away.
I can’t tell you how much I admire her fortitude, her work ethic and (for purely personal reasons) her speed. She responded to me within a month despite the fact that she wasn’t at her desk and her father was dying, folks.
That’s class. That’s someone I respect and wish the very best.
I agree. I do appreciate it when an agent takes the time to give me a response, even if it's a form. And those personal rejections are actually what keeps me writing!
It's good to see someone with a positive attitude toward the agent hunt.
Kristen Nelson has always impressed me. She requested and rejected Butterfly twice, but each time she was prompt and the second time even gave a personalized note as to why. She really must be a workaholic.
I think so, but what a person to have in your court!
On a side note, I finally got my first request for a partial this morning. Actually, it's not my first, but it is my first request based solely on a query letter. Wish me luck! ;D
That's great news, Victoria (the partial request, not the rejection). Best of luck!
Thanks, Matt! I appreciate it and the visit!
Kristin and Sara are two lovely and amazing women. CONGRATS on your partial request! I'll be rooting for you 🙂
Is that your agency, Sarah?
Yes, thanks for giving them props 🙂