
Due to Technical Difficulties…

This blog will be quiet on Monday. 🙁 My computer is buggy in every sense and it shall now be overhauled and happily, meet Windows Seven. I hope to be up and running again by Wednesday.

Grateful For So Much

I have so much to be thankful for, not the least of which are my followers. To all of you, whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, may you have a wonderful, family-blessed day.

Contests, Conferences and More!

Springfield Writers’ Guild contest

Jim Stone Grand Prize Memorial Awards
#1 Poetry any subject, any form Limit: 1 page, single spaced
#2 Fiction any subject Limit: 1,500 words
#3 Non-Fiction any subject Limit: 1,500 words
Awards for categories #1 – #3: 1st place – $100 and certificate. Two Honorable Mentions and certificate
($3 per entry for categories 1-3)
For more information:
Please email Dr. Jerry Wible at or Mandy Barke at

The Kansas Author’s Club Convention

It’s not too late to register for the Kansas Author’s Club convention the first weekend in October. Christine Taylor-Butler will be speaking Saturday morning on Cultural diversity in children’s literature. If you’ve never heard her, Christine is a dynamic speaker and she knows her market. There will also be other speakers and a roundtable discussion on critique groups. You can register here.

Everyone Has a Moment. What’s yours?

Through brief essays, letters sent and received, Twitter feeds and status updates, illustrations and short comic treatments, The Moment will capture the major turning points in the varied and unpredictable story arcs in our lives. Everyone has a moment—what’s yours? Submit here to be considered for The Moment book, coming from Harper Perennial in Fall 2011.

Words of Women

Invites You to Join Writers from around the World in an International Essay Contest. Write a 500 Word, or Less, Essay.
If mailed, each essay must be typed, double spaced, and one sided On each page of your essay, place your name, address, phone number, email address
Select and Include an Age Category: Youth, Maiden, Mother, WiseWoman
Email your essay to wordsofwomen
Send $5 Registration* to P O Box 180777 Dallas, Texas 75218 Or Mail Your Essay and a $5 Registration to Words of Women Box 180777 Dallas, Texas 75218 We may create a pay pal account for on line registration. They will notify you when that has been done.

* Registration covers the cost of mailing materials including Essay Certificates. Registration Can Be Waived.

Mystery Writers Conference.

And last but not least, for all ye mystery writers out there, check out It sounds like a great place for mystery writers to learn wonderful things about the trade.

Cover Contest Results Are In

I’ve wanted to post about this since Wednesday, but the cover art my husband whipped up for me placed in the Let The Words Flow cover contest! I was so proud of him, considering the competition! (Yes, I gave him some of the individual elements including the blurb for the back, which I’ve since re-written, but he’s the genius who put it all together.)
What do you know, but they announced his cover as the winner Friday night! Here it is:

Pitch Descriptions

The following links were tossed around on the Agent Query SF/Fantasy author’s group today and I thought I’d share. The first one helped me redefine my pitch, so check out this link.

This is a list to some great, practical advice if you’re about to go pitch.